English Page

A Collection of Information in English

Definition of Basic Income

Unconditional basic income is an income for all individuals,

  • that ensures personal financial security and enables participation in society
  • to which all are legally entitled individually
  • which is guaranteed without means testing and
  • without a compulse to work or for other services in return.

Basic income shall help to eliminate poverty and social hardship, to increase individual freedoms and to sustainably improve prospects of personal development for each individual and social and cultural conditions in society. (see here) *

About the Network *

The Netzwerk Grundeinkommen (Basic Income Network)

  • was founded in 2004.
  • is an association of people and organizations that advocate a basic income with its four precisely defined criteria.
  • is an organization with membersstatutes, democratic structures and a transparent way of working.
  • is committed to social and political activities promoting the introduction of a basic income, including educational and public relations work, services to the basic income movement, and scientific discussions and political action, such as
  • is part of the German and international basic income movement and promotes international networking activities. Some of these include:
    • organizing the German Basic Income Roundtable for the various people and organisations in Germany working for the introduction of a basic income.
    • organizing the International Basic Income Roundtable with representatives from other countries.
    • fostering the cooperation with other social movements and political and scientific organizations in Germany and abroad, e.g. in the form of joint organization of conferences, meetings, and political demonstrations.
  • is BIEN Germany, the German affiliate of the Basic Income Earth Network.
  • is member of European Network Unconditional Basic Income Europe (UBIE)
  • offers interested parties the possibility to actively participate in working groups, regional groups, the editorial staff, and the Network council.
  • is supported by a funding association and a scientific advisory council.

* last update on 8 January 2022

Advertising and Information Materials

Please note: The Network Basic Income is a non-party association of persons and organizations that support the Basic Income. This material may not be used for election campaign purposes.

    • Flyer of Netzwerk Grundeinkommen (Basic Income Network Germany)
      PDF Document (2019)
    • Brochure of Netzwerk Grundeinkommen (Basic Income Network Germany): More freedom through basic income
      PDF Document (2019)
Papers, Positions, Presentations
    • From the Idea of a basic income to the political movement in Europe. Development and questions
      by Ronald Blaschke, Berlin, August 2012 paper
    • Unconditional Basic Income: an effective means of tackling (hidden) poverty and promoting freedom for all and democracy
      by Ronald Blaschke, Brussels, April 2014, presentation, paper
    • Unconditional Basic Income (UBI): A trade union goal?
      by Ronald Blaschke, Berlin, May 2014, presentation
    • Basic Income in Germany and as a Global Social Right
      by Council of Netzwerk Grundeinkommen, Berlin, December 2015, paper
    • Brexit makes it clear: The European Union must be a democratic, a social and an ecological one.
      Joint positioning of Attac, Arbeitsgruppe Genug für alle (Germany, Attac basic income workgroup), Attac, Inhaltsgruppe Grundeinkommen (Austria, Attac basic income workgroup), Netzwerk Grundeinkommen und sozialer Zusammenhalt – B.I.E.N. Austria (basic income network and BIEN affiliate), Council of Netzwerk Grundeinkommen (Germany, basic income network and BIEN affiliate), Runder Tisch Grundeinkommen (Austria, basic income roundtable), Vereniging Basisinkomen (Netherlands, basic income network and BIEN affiliate), Juli 2016, paper
    • Sustainable ecological transition is impossible without unconditional social security for all people
      by Ronald Blaschke, Berlin, 2016, paper
    • Pope Francis and Basic Income in the context of Catholic social teaching and theology
      by Markus Schlagnitweit, Wien, 2021, paper
    • Abolish income poverty at last! Develop Minimum Income as Uncondtional Basic Income! Call to the Members of European Parliament, by Unconditional Basic Income – European Initiative, Brussels, 2022, call and annex
    • International Memorandum: Basic income as a necessary component of a socio-ecological transformation and key element for climate justice, March 2024, paper ; signatures updated, August 2024: 2024 – 08 Memorandum Basic income as a necessary component of a socio-ecological transformation and key element for climate justice-en

Facts about social security and basic income concepts in various European countries

Press Releases